Ob prilagajanju uredbi GDPR smo se lotili izziva: analitike brez Google orodij, piškotkov, sledilcev in drugih zunanjih orodij.
There are many reasons for this decision. We want to avoid the unpleasant analytics of 2025 and, above all, protect the personal data of our users better than most today. That's why we designed our custom Kainoto analytics.
Analytical marketing data in our own database
We store data about open pages and events that interest us (button clicks, submitted inquiries,...) in our own database.
We do not pass them on to other analytical tools. The obtained data never contain any personal data. When opening a site, the user is completely anonymous and we do not know how many subpages he has opened. We do not track user sessions.
Marketing goals
A Google Sheet (as a data analysis tool) is prepared for each website, which contains:
- a list of campaigns and ads we want to track
- list of goals: names of goals and parameters that are monitored on the page for this purpose (satisfaction with content, submitted inquiry,...)
- analysis filters (period, landing page)
Upon request, the spreadsheet retrieves aggregated analytics data from the website's database. Basic analyzes and graphs are made according to the set goals (achievement of goals over a period of time).
Analysis: the effectiveness of communication resources in marketing
If the user performs a specific target activity (click on the inquiry button, subscribe to the newsletter,...), this activity is recorded in the database with the following data via javascript code:
- Date and time
- Name of the activity (e.g. Form)
- Activity value (e.g. opening)
- if it exists, also outSourceTagId: identification number of the source - advertisement, campaign,...
If there is no outSourceTagId data, we mark it as an unknown source (search engine, other website, e-mail) with a value of 0.
In this way, we can find out very precisely (if the user has not removed the parameter from the url address) which campaign or advertisement contributed to the achievement of the goals and to what extent.
With the known cost of spending in this campaign, we get an answer regarding its success: how many euros for the achieved goal.
What do we occasionally analyze in marketing?
We do monitor the time the user spends on the page, but we do not analyze it specifically, as it turned out to be fairly irrelevant information for achieving our goals.
We also monitor the number of page views (not user sessions), but we also do not pay special attention to this analysis, except in the context of specific deviations or identifying other peculiarities.
Simple or complicated?
The development of the system was demanding and complex. Especially in the first stages, when we had to consciously give up the comfort zone offered by Google.
After a year, we achieved simplicity and directness. Instead of a complex interface and countless comparison options, we focus on key goals.
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