Indeed. They do not. You should.
What about other businesses?
As you know, guests do not deliver food to the restaurants. Chef would be very ofended if you brought your food and ask to make something nice of it. Guests come and explain what they like to eat.
Yes, even iPhone users buy I am rich apps and do not write that text by themselves.
You see, clients expect to receive finished products. They really do not have time to think.
Internet marketing is different
Is it?
Did you notice that your client is using iPhone? It may be that they are using some tool to help them do their work. Faster, easier.
Now why do you ever expect them to come up with content?
Web design is the same as restaurant
If you are building a website for you clients, think as a cook and restaurant owner. Study the client and their market. Write that damn content. If you cannnot write, extend your team by a damn good writer. A communications expert. Design it. Program it. Build it.
Most of the clients do not know how to build a great website that appeals to their target markets. They need experts to:
- create the content
- design the content
- choose the php .NET aspx c# jQuery css3 HTML5 solution that is f'n awesome
- do that damn domain DNS subdomain server thing
- set up the whatever analytics
- bake those cookies to comply with EU laws
- install those forms and choose the best fields trick so the user clicks buy
- get those users to their website
- explain them what to do next with those users once the emails with orders rush in
Actually you do not need to do the last thing. I hope your clients know how to eat food.
The other way
You may as well explain clients they should deliver the food (content) in 20 possible ways. Teach them that food comes first to the restaurant.
But please, do not call me to your restaurant then. :)