How to succeed in your digital marketing?
Identification of digital marketing opportunities
At the interactive meeting, you will learn about your company's key opportunities in digital marketing. So close to you and so simple, you wouldn't expect them there.
Make decisions about important things
Instead of additional work, we will direct you to important decisions:
- how to manage (and delegate) a digital marketing team?
- which digital marketing channels are important and how to use them?
- what you do not have to do as directors and managers?
- how to check performance?
Decades of experience
The workshop is led by M.Sc. Dušan Vrban:
- master's degree in marketing with an award for the best master's thesis
- 20 years of career in digital and strategic marketing
- expert in Google Webmaster tools, AdWords, Analytics, MailChimp, Google Apps & Scripts
- CEO of the Kainoto agency
- lecturer at the faculty and higher schools
- manager of the international organization European Cemeteries Route
- programmer and application developer
- external collaborator of many development institutes and agencies
- active user and co-creator of the web since 1992
What do the participants think?

"I am grateful for these workshops and the information I received, as they were very practical and were a real enlightenment for me. So many "little things" that you realize are crucial for success. If only at the very beginning of my career, if I had all this information, it would make my way easier."
"I've never heard anything like this, but it's not so much about the content itself, but about the way and execution of the presentation, with which you attracted all my attention."
"He made an effort to process the material in an easy way, with not too much "nonsensical theory" - the theory that was presented, because of course you can't do without it, was supported by concrete examples from practice and also from the lecturer's personal life."
"I really liked your lecture and it was very interestingly presented, theory in connection with practice."
A meeting customized for you
The goal of the interactive meeting is long-term improvement in your digital marketing. We therefore adapt the implementation to your situation.
Even before the meeting, you will receive questions and materials that will trigger new questions and perspectives. Based on your answers and description of the situation, we will practically adapt the content of the workshop to your cases.
Free registration
The number of participants is limited to 5. Registration is non-binding.
Price of participation: €599.00
The price does not include VAT (22%).
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