Users live in micro moments with specific needs and expectations. Are you meeting them?
I was hearing strange noises while breaking on the highway. As we stopped for a coffee I was thinking that perhaps it is time to change our 7 years old family car.
Micro moment of informing

As I got few minutes alone I started browsing on my mobile phone if Citroen has a new version of my beloved Grand Picasso. Perhaps there is a hybrid version?
Sitting at the tea, looking at the 4x10 cm screen, Google offered me 3-4 interesting results for my search of "C4 hybrid".
I chose the first, official representative in Slovenia. I already visited this site and desktop version is on my mobile screen. Bad luck, cannot read. Loads too long.
I check the second result, the UK version. Oh, it is just a translation of the same site as Slovenian. Thanks Citroen, you really know how to lower the IT costs. Who cares about the users?
No time for visiting the third site, my time is over. Moving on.
What was this micro moment about?

I am a small segment of users. Looking for hybrid car that Citroen is currently not offering.
Therefore I tend to buy BMW 2.
Only 1 page by Citroen might have kept me interested into their brand:
- optimizing website to Citroen Hybrid
- having a desktop and mobile version
- in mobile version just a short paragraph in the beginning saying "Citroen Hybrid cars are soon to be available. Sign up for news and we will update you about the developments."
That would be just enough. In my micro moment I would leave my email address and they would have all the email marketing options available to keep me as a Citroen customer.
Micro moments and internet marketing

Users live in micro moments with different needs and expectations.
We inform and decide in minutes with right information
You must adapt your internet marketing to micro moments. Think about them and prepare content, tools and channels for those moments.